We would like to invite you to a series of online and in-person workshops on the use of soil spectroscopy.
This workshop series will focus on four main phases:
- How-to use the new Open Soil Spectroscopy Library [July, online]
- Learn how to use the data APIs, develop R-based machine learning models, and use web graphical user interfaces
- Asynchronous Hackathon [August – October, online]
- Can YOU build better machine learning models to predict soil properties?
- Details to be released in July
- Spectroscopy at the ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting [29 Oct to 1 Nov in St Louis] https://www.acsmeetings.org/future-past-meetings/
- Half-day in-person training [Sunday 20 October] pending acceptance by organizing committee
- Approved SSSA Cross-Divisional Symposium with invited speakers still to be confirmed
- What have you and others been doing in the field recently? Abstracts are open (https://www.acsmeetings.org/submit) from now until June 13th for contributed oral talks and posters on soil spectroscopy. In the SSSA Soil Chemistry Division there is an oral and a poster session titled Soil Spectroscopy for the Global Good that we encourage everyone to submit to. We are hoping for lots of great spectroscopy science at the meeting.
- Visioning Workshop [2-3 Nov in St. Louis; by application]
- Where is the field going? How can we leverage shared data resources to get there? How can we talk about data better to improve interoperability?
- The Soil Spectroscopy for the Global Good project has funding to cover the costs of this including travel expenses for up to 30 participants. Application details to come. Note: we cannot cover the registration cost of attending the tri-society meeting.
- We strongly encourage all participants in this network workshop to contribute presentations to either the oral or poster sessions at the tri-society meeting.
More details on all four phases to follow. After all the craziness of the last three years, we really hope to see our spectroscopy friends in St. Louis.
Organizing committee:
- Jonathan Sanderman, Woodwell Climate Research Center
- José Lucas Safanelli, Woodwell Climate Research Center
- Tom Hengl, Opengeohub Foundation
- Kathe Todd-Brown, University of Florida
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